Welcome to Kanuka Corner
We are a small, unique nature based Early Childhood Education Center in Lake Hawea.
Kanuka Corner is a small, unique nature based ECE centre offering a wholesome and sustainable approach to Early Childhood Education. With numbers limited to 35 children per day, focus is on quality of experience with nature and creativity at the core of what’s on offer.

“When life gives you rain, jump in muddy puddles!”
Getting our children into nature
At Kanuka Corner nature is a part of us, we view ourselves as kaitiaki of our natural world. Our expansive garden offers tamariki opportunites to experience the beauty of nature through all of their senses.
From engaging in the rich colours and textures of our blossom trees and flowers; to climbing, digging and gross motor development with space for running, games, climbing, digging, and building.
From Garden to Table
Offering nurturing locally sourced and nutritious meals for our tamariki
At the heart of our centre is our kitchen. This reflects our passion for ensuring our tamariki enjoy simple, delicious kai using locally sourced ingredients where possible.
Our tamariki are involved in planting the seeds for our fruit and vegetables, with support they nurture the growth of the seedlings into strong, healthy plants, ready for kai time.

Kanuka Corner is a mixed age setting embracing the Māori principle of Tuākana/Tēina. We cater for tamariki from 12 months to school age.
Te Ruma Iti
In Te Ruma Iti you will find a learning space which caters to tamariki wanting to explore their quieter pursuits. This calm and peaceful space, with beautiful plants gently draping the ceiling and walls serves as a natural, creative environment away from the hustle and bustle.
Te Ruma Nui
Te Ruma Nui is a learning space that reflects the interests and ideas of our tamariki and provides carefully selected resources that invite the learner to explore their interests with engagement and discovery in mind.